Annex 1 – Network Codes and Clean Energy Package: Focus on implementation

The Network Codes and Guidelines and the CEP represent a large part of the legislative framework under which ENTSO-E operates. The implementation of the Network Codes/Guidelines and of the CEP represent a substantial effort, which ENTSO-E as an association is prioritising.
All codes & guidelines have entered into force, and ENTSO-E is now focused on their implementation and the monitoring thereof.

What is ENTSO-E’s role in the implementation?

The implementation of European legislation is done on national, regional, and pan-European levels, often in combination. TSOs, as well as DSOs, market participants and regulators at the EU, regional and national levels are involved in various ways. In some cases, Network Codes or primary legislation define clear and detailed roles for specific bodies/entities; in others, legal provisions are less detailed and require an additional layer of text to define roles and processes.

‘All TSOs’ refers to the TSOs of all EU countries (pan-European ‘All TSOs’), or to the TSOs of a specific EU region (regional ‘All TSOs’).

Pan-European ‘All TSOs’All TSOs ACER
Regional ‘All TSOs’TSOs of the regionNRAs of the region. ACER to make the final decision if NRAs cannot agree **
NationalDepending on national legislation (TSO, DSO…)
(ENTSO-E may provide supporting documents and guidance)
National NRAs

* In accordance with CEP provisions of the Electricity Regulation 2019/943.
** In accordance with art. 5(3) of ACER Regulation 2019/942.

Table 7 – Entities responsible for pan-European, regional and national tasks

Monitoring the implementation

ENTSO-E is responsible for the monitoring of the implementation of Network and Guidelines, as defined by the legal provisions of the latter. To fulfil this obligation, ENTSO-E elaborates monitoring plans and publishes reports. It also collects data, (termed ‘lists of information’), and designs and implements interfaces for data collection. Based on new provisions under Regulation (EU) 2019/943, ENTSO-E will further cooperate with the future EU DSO entity on the monitoring of the implementation of possible new Network Codes and Guidelines. These will be adopted pursuant to this Regulation and are relevant to the operation and planning of distribution grids and the coordinated operation of the transmission and distribution networks.

ENTSO-E and ACER have signed an agreement for data collection and provision to ACER. This agreement is currently being used initially for the monitoring of the CACM and should then be extended to other network codes and guidelines.


ENTSO-E Annual Report 2020

This Annual Report covers the period from January to December 2020. It focuses on the legal mandates given to ENTSO-E. The activities covered in this report were performed thanks to the 42 members of ENTSO-E who provide its financial resources and whose staff provides expertise to the Association.


  1. System Operation
  2. Market
  3. System Development
  4. Transparency Regulation
  5. Research, Development and Innovation
  6. Cybersecurity, Interoperability and Data
  7. TSO–DSO partnership and demand side flexibility
Download Full Report (PDF, 5.9 Mb)